WonderSpark Parties

Digital Solutions Program

We sat down with Bianca Heard from WonderSpark Parties, who shared their journey from aspiring children's entertainer to entrepreneur, founding a business dedicated to creating personalised magic experiences for kids. Bianca emphasised the pivotal role of the Melbourne Innovation Centre’s Digital Solutions Program in enhancing their digital marketing strategy and expanding their business's reach.

Meet Bianca Heard, a neurodivergent and queer creative based on Bunurong Land in the South Eastern suburbs of Victoria. Bianca is a graduate of Deakin University with a Bachelor of Creative Arts, and she has a deep passion for children's entertainment and creativity. They are currently expanding their knowledge by pursuing a Diploma of Auslan at Melbourne Polytechnic to connect with the Deaf and Hard-Of-Hearing community, as well as non-speaking Autistic individuals who use Auslan to communicate.

Launch of WonderSpark Parties

In 2022, Bianca established WonderSpark Parties, a children's entertainment business known for its personalised magic experiences. All costumes used in WonderSpark Parties are handmade by Bianca themself, often using recycled materials to promote sustainability. Each character offered by WonderSpark Parties is unique and created with a touch of magic. Currently operating as a sole trader, Bianca envisions expanding their team as their business grows and secures more bookings.

Bianca's journey into children's entertainment began in 2013. For years, their dream was to start their own kid's party business, where they could not only portray magical characters but also transform children into enchanting beings for a day. However, it wasn't until 2022, after facing employment challenges due to fatigue issues, that they decided to turn their dream into reality. Bianca wanted to see their dream business flourish to its full potential.

Enter: Melbourne Innovation Centre 

Bianca joined the Digital Solutions Program at Melbourne Innovation Centre to gain the digital marketing knowledge and support they needed for their business. Initially considering a Master of Marketing program, they found relief in the program's resources, webinars, workshops, and mentorship opportunities. Having a mentor provided the accountability and guidance necessary to achieve marketing goals more efficiently.

Digital Challenges Addressed

Before joining the Digital Solutions Program, Bianca faced extreme overwhelm, lacked direction in marketing their business, and had limited resources to invest in professional marketing services.

Through the program's webinars and mentorship, Bianca acquired a better understanding of social media marketing, improved their time management as a business owner, and gained reassurance about overcoming potential challenges.

Impact on Digital Presence

The Digital Solutions Program at Melbourne Innovation Centre helped Bianca enhance their digital presence and online visibility. Bianca received positive feedback on their business website and social media aesthetics, which they improved after watching a program webinar on building a brand.

“Through watching a number of webinars, I gained a lot of skills when understanding my target audience and creating a visually captivating brand, which has helped me reach a larger number of potential clients.” Bianca shares. 

Advice to Other Businesses

Bianca recommends that businesses considering the Digital Solutions Program and support provided by Melbourne Innovation Centre to start by conducting a self-reflection on their business needs. Identify areas where professional advice is required but may be initially out of budget. The program offers an affordable way to gain valuable digital marketing insights.

“I recommend the Digital Solutions Program to anyone starting their own business and wanting to gain a more thorough understanding of digital marketing in their own time, as well as receive some personalised business advice.” Bianca shares.

Bianca's journey with WonderSpark Parties is a testament to the power of passion and determination. Through the Digital Solutions Program and Melbourne Innovation Centre, they have gained the knowledge and support needed to improve their digital presence, connect with their target audience, and continue expanding their children's entertainment business. Their story is an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to turn their dreams into reality.

The Digital Solutions Program is funded by the Australian Government and delivered by Melbourne Innovation Centre across Victoria. Join today to unleash the full potential of your small business in the digital realm.

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