Rose Tinted Law

Digital Solutions Program

We sat down with Rose Inglis from Rose Tinted Law, where she shared her journey from legal professional to entrepreneur, founding a platform dedicated to empowering lawyers through career development. Rose received support from the Melbourne Innovation Centre to help improve her digital marketing strategy and expanding her platform's reach.

In the realm of legal professionals seeking personal and professional growth, Rose Inglis stands as a beacon of inspiration. As the Founder of Rose Tinted Law (RTL), Rose has harnessed her legal expertise to fuel a thriving entrepreneurial journey. But her story goes beyond the ordinary. 

Empowering Legal Professionals: The Vision Behind Rose Tinted Law

Rose Tinted Law is not your typical legal platform. It's a professional development oasis for open-minded and curious lawyers. Rose's mission is twofold: to open the eyes of legal professionals to the limitless career possibilities and to empower them to grow with unwavering confidence and purpose. Through Rose Tinted Law, she crafts careers content and resources that would have helped her and her peers navigate the intricate twists, turns, and pivot points of their careers.

The seeds of RTL were sown during Rose's parental leave in late 2020. This is when she realised the immense potential to delve deeper into legal career development. Beyond securing the "next thing" or honing application and skills, Rose saw the need to explore what success really means in the legal profession. What happens when you achieve your goals, only to find that they weren't what you anticipated? What if your priorities shift, or you decide to change your path entirely?

Rose's Journey: From Law to Entrepreneurship, Navigating Self-Doubt, and Imposter Syndrome

Rose's journey into entrepreneurship wasn't one she expected to embark on so soon. A non-practicing lawyer, Rose initially envisioned running her own business as something reserved for a later stage in life, possibly when her children reached primary school age. However, life had different plans.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in her husband's work travel, providing her with more support at home than anticipated. This newfound balance allowed her to dream big and work diligently to turn her entrepreneurial aspirations into reality.

Yet, like many entrepreneurs, Rose faced her share of challenges. Overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome became a constant battle. Her market was filled with well-established and well-resourced institutions, including law societies and legal education providers. Despite these challenges, Rose found clarity in her purpose and the audience she aimed to serve. Positive feedback from podcast listeners and social media followers became her source of motivation, pushing her to carve out a unique place in the legal profession.

Enter: Melbourne Innovation Centre

Recognising the importance of a strong digital presence, Rose sought guidance through the Digital Solutions Program at Melbourne Innovation Centre. 

“The Digital Solutions Program was recommended to me by someone from the One Roof community. The mentorship has been invaluable to me, and comes at the ideal time in my business journey.” Rose shares.

Her main objective was to unravel the complexities of social media advertising, email marketing and follow the ever-evolving trends in digital marketing. While she possessed excellent copywriting and strategy skills, digital marketing and email lists were uncharted territories where she needed expert mentorship.

Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly demanding, with a constant need to acquire new skills and adapt to ever-changing digital tools and platforms. Rose invested significantly in her personal and professional development, and mentorship became the bridge she needed. Having a mentor to guide her through the intricacies of email marketing and strategy provided her with the confidence and momentum required to push forward.

Rose's Digital Transformation 

Throughout her journey in the Program at Melbourne Innovation Centre, Rose had the privilege of working with Melbourne Innovation Centre mentor, Loan Kien. Loan's support was invaluable, offering Rose insights, listening to her ideas and preferences, and providing constructive feedback. 

“Loan Kien has been an incredible mentor. She is supportive, listens to my ideas and preferences, and provides me with really helpful feedback.” Rose shares.

Rose gained substantial knowledge during her mentorship. She learned how to set up and effectively use Flo Desk, create compelling lead magnets, and navigate the intricacies of mailing lists.

The impact of the Digital Solutions Program on Rose's digital presence is palpable. Prior to the program, she had no lead magnet and no emailing list. Now, she's on the verge of launching her lead magnet and initiating her mailing list, marking a significant step in strengthening her digital footprint.

Empowering Entrepreneurs: Rose's Advocacy for the Digital Solutions Program

Rose has become an advocate for the Digital Solutions Program, recommending it across her network and various professional communities. 

“I have recommended the Digital Solutions Program far and wide throughout my network. I have posted about it on LinkedIn, shared it with the City Precinct Traders Association, and recommended it in the One Roof Facebook group, as well as friends and informal networking groups I am a part of.” Rose shares. 

Her advice to fellow entrepreneurs is clear:

“The Digital Solutions Program offers access to Melbourne Innovation Centre’s excellent mentors who can assist in overcoming significant business challenges at an affordable price.”

The Digital Solutions Program is funded by the Australian Government and delivered by Melbourne Innovation Centre across Victoria. Join today to unleash the full potential of your small business in the digital realm.

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